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Friday, March 31, 2006

Open Letter to Mike Lupica

From: Michael Salfino
Date: March 31, 2006 10:37:10 AM EST
Subject: Deep Breath on Steriods, Please

You seem unhinged with the steroids stuff.

For an athlete, the body is just another piece of equipment. Better bats and balls and gloves. Why not better bodies?

Don't you find it silly to be shouting from the mountain tops about this in a world where "performance enhancers" reign supreme: viagra, botox, boob jobs, ritalin (taken by moms to lose weight and dads to focus better at work), hair transplants, etc....

Regardless of what we might say, we'd all take a drug that would make us stronger, look younger and lead to more fame and fortune. And we'd do it even if there was a good chance we'd die early as a result. (Hell, people smoke despite proven health consequences just for pleasure.)

The hostility for Bonds is predictable and common for everyone who has ever laid reasonable claim for being the greatest at anything. Long ago, Tyler Cowen said, "Competition of praise inclineth to a reverence of antiquity. For men contend with the living and not the dead." This is a more subtle variation of that. But it's so transparently, hypocritically hostile that these real reasons are clearly revealed.

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