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Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Bruuuuce!! (Not Isaac)

The plan since the big announcement on Monday was to get Springsteen tickets when they went on sale at 10 a.m. this morning (Wednesday). One show next week in the Swamps of Jersey (East Rutherford, as our Rutherford is NOT a Swamp). John Fogerty on the bill. I don't care if I've seen Bruce 20-something times. It's worth whatever it costs to see him and Fogerty rocking through "Fortunate Son," right?

But you can tell I'm getting old because there I am at 9:50 a.m. at my dining room table eating a bagel and eggs when I see a picture of Jimmy Buffet in the celebrity section and say to myself, "Hmm. Jimmy Buffet. Musician (sort of). Why are those bells ringing? Oh, Bruce.... Holy crap!"

Now, the plan was to use our dual office and cable modem and upgraded PCs and network for something good finally, like getting tickets through Ticketmaster. So, I load the browsers and keep refreshing at one computer while Cath does the same at the other. (I made the executive decision and took her off her less important task, namely, working.)

By 10:01, Cath's hit paydirt. We wait for our request to be processed. And wait. And.... Wait. Disconnected. I do the same at my station, only with five browsers simultaneously. I get to the last step on all of them after a few tries, but can't close the deal with the actual tickets. They all crash in sequence. But Cath strikes gold again. The server says she'll get her tickets in 15 minutes, which soon gets cut in half. By 10:14, we're all set to go. Good seats right? How's 23rd row of the upper deck sound? Now, I know I'll likely be able to get better seats a few days before the show when they drop the good tickets they held back this morning (they always sell the rotten seats before releasing the good ones). Maybe I'll ask someone at the Meadowlands or with the Jets to help me out on Sunday. Yes, I have no shame or pride, either, if you insist on getting nasty about it. I actually knows someone who is married to Bruce's tour manager (or whatever), but does that help me in any way? No. When are people going to realize that they're supposed to know people who know people so that those people can help me?

You're here for football? Sorry, you're sh*t out of luck today. Okay, okay. The teams with the better YPA heading into Sunday's action were 11-2-1 against the spread. Dave and I are going to put that stat to the test with our Forecast this week, I can promise you.

Glad to see Ricky Williams wants to come back. He misses football. Or maybe the $8.6 million (talk about your buzz kills).

As is the case with all Jamal Lewis owners, I'm trying to devise a sound, rational argument as to why an NFL suspension, let alone the rumored four-gamer, is grossly unfair. I'm struggling with it. For the sake of fantasy players nationwide, Lewis should have taken his chances with a jury. What's 10 years of your life compared to our collective fantasy fortunes? Really, Jamal, didn't we all show faith in you? It was the least you could have done, bro'.
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